Wednesday, August 15, 2012


I set this blog up a while ago, but we just haven't had time to write about our farming adventures. We moved to a more rural area about three years ago in an attempt to be more self-sufficient. We are still working on that, hopefully in a few years we will be able to largely subsist off of what we produce here. We jumped right in and bought goats when we moved here, our "starter goat" herd of unregistered pygmies. We are hoping to move on to registered animals, and so are selling off our stock. Please see the "For Sale" page if you are interested in purchasing some goats. Please note, goats want to have companions, so I will want to know that you either already own goats or that you intend to purchase at least two if you are just starting out. We have learned a lot of lessons the hard way, and I am more than happy to share what I have learned with anyone else who is just starting out in raising goats. We also currently have chickens and guineas that for the most part roam free on our property. We are located just outside of Elgin, TX.